Monday, May 4, 2015

It is nice to see greenery. I dream to have a house with lots of greenery.

I see you through!

So simple yet so elegant. I prefer the living room to have simple designs of furniture.

I remember my history class during primary school years - do you remember the galleon trade?

Imagine the sea journey during the old ages, you have to rely on the direction of the wind.

You can rest for a while after a walk. You can bring along snacks and refreshment.

The yellow bell flowers give much shade, worth taking a short nap during noon break.

I'm a little bit of shy.

Look at my shadow, it's one hot afternoon.  I appreciate  what is in there, coconut trees, shrubs, bermuda grass, beautiful flowers that contribute to the simple but beautiful scenery.

Fort San Pedro from afar.

History is informative, worth knowing what was it like before. I love looking back the ways of the before. It is entirely different from today.

My tour at Fort San Pedro is through. I appreciate  things from there. People from different parts of the world visit the said place because of the information it brings that will introduce the new generation about the heritage of Cebu - the experience, the moments and the bitter and rewarding journey of our ancestors and heroes.

I welcome and encourage  you to visit Fort San Pedro when you drop by at Cebu.

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