Sunday, November 30, 2014

Day 5 - I Am Made to Last

Our days and years on Earth are the preparation for our eternal lives after here. The tasks and responsibilities we have today are the preparation for our next lives. This is like a rehearsal. I stop worrying from now because each day is planned by God and I put everything in God's hands. Although I tend to worry a little bit as part of humanity, I have to reflect everyday that God is our divine planner. Things happen for reasons, not for our own wants and likes but His divine plan and design. Trust is a big word that we should plant in our hearts and not trusting things according to worldly standards. The standards of the world are often misleading, if we do not put trust  to God, we will have an unpleasant detour. I made some odd detour in my life, made some worst decisions but life is a long way ahead. My clock is moving as permitted by God Himself. I want to make something better for the rest of my years. Someday, I will be put to bigger responsibility by God. Each life is already designed for a purpose. Worries kill us and doubts make us go into troubles. Prayers guide our thoughts,deepen our trust in the Lord. Everything does not happen overnight. Constant practice of good deeds and kindness and  constant communication with the Lord is a good decision to start for a hopeful and meaningful journey. And so I am here to start my early morning with a cheerful heart.