Of all tv series, I really like this vampire diaries for this reason > it does not bore me at all. I like the twist and turns of the story yet thrill and excitement are maintained. Well I know I would get disappointed with the ending. I heard that it would be Elena and Stefan at the end. I don't like their tandem because I prefer Damon and Elena, they have chemistry and attraction. Stefan is too good to be true, he is a boring character for me, does not make any sense at all. Damon? He is a tough guy in the story. Love changes things though it seems impossible at first. Damon is a challenge while Stefan is nothing. If you want you can check this tv series. There are still many episodes that I look forward to.
You see this clock, I took a photo of this when I was left at home one afternoon. I get reminded that we have our life's clock. Minutes and hours keep going regardless of how busy you are or not. Seize the day!!! We will celebrate our everyday routine while we still can. There are so many things around to see, to discover, to explore, to enjoy with and to learn from. Life's clock is moving at constant speed. The road is a long way to go, let's leave a meaningful mark on it while we cherish and treasure each moment we have. No one can tell about our life's clock. The only thing we are sure is that each one of us is heading towards our life's clock destination. Good or bad, let's make each day a memorable one.
I've been reading an interesting issue and it's time for a coffee break. I really love coffee, it makes me get going for the day. Though it's already noon time, I still need to have a cup of it. It's a part of my routine. Noon time is boring when you don't have anything to do. When I get bored, I really want to find something that will really entertain me. That's one thing that I like when there is something new to find out, I really get surprised. I love surprises but doesn't mean that I am looking forward to it.
I am fond of reading articles that talk about ancient things, history and how this is well preserved by the government. Just like this one, during my free time while waiting for the sunset till evening comes in. I get fascinated of this house. It looks old and I become more interested of how it looks in the inside. I want to get a comparison of how ancient things differ from modern age things in the household. A part of it is scary to me, maybe it looks really very different from the design of the houses that I get to see everyday. Though old enough for modern age, this house has history that Cebuanos should be proud of.
That's when I think of nothing, no worries, no worries and no troubles. It's my wish to be like that, to live in a worry-free world but sad to say, it can't be like that. You bleed just to know you're alive.
I wish to embrace the days, I wish to embrace the memories that are slowly fading away. I won't say goodbye because I don't believe in goodbye's. It always is a hello for me and for everyone else. Hello to a new day and a new memory. Friendship does not always mean the good and happy things together. It is understanding the priorities of each other. It is consideration, respect and keeping an open window to the journey.
What is the most important thing to you? Relationships with people and dear friends, your future, your security, achievements, success, relationship with your family? This line is really bugging my head right now. How I rate this one is the basis of my decision. If it's a luck or a matter of my decision making is a story that I keep to myself. I have reasons, we all have reasons, everyone has reasons. But I need not explain my reasons, deep in my heart I know what I am doing. Deep inside I know what to lose and what to gain. We win some we lose some or the other way around. Life is not fair, it is always like that, we can't fight that fact. It is given, it's for us to respond and to interact. But how does it feel to disappoint someone you consider very dear and very precious to you? How does it feel to see that person in pain? I can't say I'm sorry because it is not as easy as that. If I will choose not to disappoint those people I value, then I lose something I regret. Which is better? An apple or an orange?
It's an early morning for me but thoughts are on my mind, just like choosing which situation could bring a better tomorrow for me although we never know what lies ahead. It's like choosing an orange and an apple. It's choosing between two important things knowing that when you choose one thing between the two, this would result into a great impact. It's either you lose another important thing and keep the other thing intact. I don't know what to feel, I don't know what to think. Life is like that, when you are in crossroads and you need to choose right now, it is very hard because you certainly can hurt people. One thing I hate is when I know I can hurt that person and the next thing I know is I have already hurt them. I won't say I am sorry because it won't change things. This is the path that I choose, the rest is yet to tell.
Still in the same page with vampire diaries. I'm really hooked into it. I am team Damon, sorry team Stefan. I have this wishful thinking that Damon will end up with Elena. I don't know if this will happen. By just watching it, I am full of thrill, excitement and understanding. Damon is a tough guy, he's a bad guy as per say. Well it's time to discover more.
I am an avid fan of this Vampire Diaries. It's a great bet for the Twilight movie. It's a vampire inspired movie in today's generation. You cannot see there old vamps but youthful vamps in outside appearance like Damon and Stefan - the Salvatore brothers. Stefan is good while Damon is not that good except that he loves Elena, his brother's girlfriend. There is a twist in the story and I'm looking forward to that especially Damon and Elena tandem. Though Damon may seem a bad guy, he sets heart for Elena. Love is really that surprising, you never know what to happen next. Keep on watching vampire diaries. You'll catch your breath in each episode. I appreciate, I adore the story and I can' help but to keep an eye on it. It's just that we can't tell yet who will end up together, there are more episodes to look forward to. For me, go forward Damon and Elena. If I were Elena, who would I choose? Stefan who is just and too good to be true or Damon who is naturally a bad guy but sets heart for Elena. How would you know that this is love or just a feeling of admiration or respect? Guess it's time to view it and see for yourself .
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With my balikbayan friend, Sarah. She's from Chicago.
This was taken at Beverly Hills. A very nice place for residence. I've been there for a get together with my officemates.