Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Day 1 - Purpose-Driven Book - Learning My Purpose

I learn that life is not just about me. That is being self centered. I used to think of getting myself comfortable first before everything else, I put myself in order and not just care of others. I can care and may care but that does not mean I go to the extra mile of caring. Doing much is too much. The book makes me realize that life is not about myself alone. God wants me to reach out. God wants me to stop from being selfish. I was not this way a long time ago. But that was a long time ago that I forget the details about what it was like a long time ago. I forget the feeling of  how it is it to smile by seeing a rainbow and feeling the joy by  simple details in life. The book encourages me to make others happy by reaching out; saying hello is not a very hard thing to do. At least, I realize what a simple hello can do. To give cheerfulness to others does not require expensive things, it is about the willingness to care, to reach out and doing the first move for greetings. Why is it so hard for me to do that? Maybe I closed doors for opportunities. I was mean in a very subtle way that you cannot identify how being mean defines a person. I want to start anew, the book will help me and I need to open my heart to reflect what the book says. I learn that a journey is always better when it is shared. I forgot how messy, how dull, how boring, how sad, how frustrating my journey was because I prefer my journey to be just about me. In that way, I cannot get hurt, I cannot be happy but I cannot get hurt too, I am literally safe. The road has not ended yet and I start to feel different. I don't want it this way for a very long time. My first move is to open my heart and to open my mind. There! I see a ray of light. I look around, there are opportunities and chances to give back, to extend a hand, to offer my shoulder for others to lean on. Life is short to keep everything special all just to ourselves. Life is not about me alone. At the end of the day, I am held accountable for things and situations presented to me. Time is a gift. I slowly embrace what time and life can offer. This is a journey that I will share with others. I welcome each day, this time, with a big smile and a loving heart.

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